Okay, so when you look at Kylie, do you just want to start singing..."You are my sunshine me only sunshine..."? Because I DO! Oh I don't know how I am going to have another baby girl. It just seems impossible. Even when I have seen Kylie up next to an 8 day old baby, I still see my newborn Kylie. " I am in BIG TROUBLE, uuhhuu...BIG BIG TROUBLE!!" : ]
Kylie is your sunshine. That is a very good picture of her. Yay for updating your blog
So stinkin cute! It's all about havin more babies! hahaha
AAAAAAAWWWWHHHHH! She is "Smiley Kylie."
also...she looks like she's superimposed into that flower suit. Very adorable!
Love that pic. Oh, and the baby blanket turned out awesome!
uh are you still wanting to do pictures? arent you going to have that baby soon?
HEY Leila,
It's your long lost cousin, Shelley Badger (Smith) I stumbled on your blog when I was looking at your sisters. Your family is SO cute. I was just sitting here trying to remember the last time I saw you and ... well I can't. It's sad, that it's been THAT long. I am SO excited for you and baby #4!! I think I'll stick to 3 for now. lol. Life has gotten pretty crazy around here the last 4 months with our new little girl. Cason is determined to try for a boy... (pshh, yikes, can I NOT be pregnant for like... two seconds!??) haha. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi, and tell you that I think your family is really adorable.
Love ya
...so my husband and I are in the ward, and i found ya snooping around...but I think kylie is so dang cute, I can sit there and watch her all during sacrament meeting...just makes me want to have a baby soon...I'm startin to get the itch...
anyway just thought we'd "introduce" ourselves and say hi
Yo girl! I didn't know you had a blog. You're cousin Shelly had to tell me. Anyway, very cute pics! Your kids are so adorable.
hey u . I just went private on my blog. If you would like to still see u , email me with your email address so that I can send you an invitation. Also I need your home address. I am sending you an invitation to a jewlery paerty that I am having. thanks
hey, new blog address coltin-n-connersmommy.blogspot.com
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